Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Haul

So ever since I left the retail sector a year ago, my shopping habits changed drastically... for the better... technically.  xD  Most of the time, I was living paycheck to paycheck paying my bills and buying stuff from the store using my employee discount or buying stuff around the mall near my shifts.  Now that I am not in a shopping mall every day, my bank account has been much happier with me as it gets a little fatter.

Today I was home alone and quite bored so I decided to trek out to the mall by myself as a treat.  I double checked my account and gave myself a spending limit.  As I wandered around the mall, I noticed that my spending decisions were much more cautious and critical of what I was considering to buy based on quality, price, and most importantly, necessity.

When I moved two months ago, I weeded through my closet and realized how much crap I actually acquired during my two years in retail.  I had things that didn't fit me correctly, showing damage after a few washings, and stuff I never/rarely wore.  How had they ended up in my closet then?  Because I bought them because I could.  x(

Anyway, I had a good day today.  Definitely treated myself but won't be doing this again for a while since my sister's wedding is coming up in a few months.  Without further ado, here is my season haul~

1. Bermuda shorts for work.  They were on sale for $39.99.  The material is light and breathable and the length is appropriate so I don't look like some hoochie teacher.  At my job, the teachers are all required to wear aprons that skirts and shorts must not be shorter than.  I have one other pair of shorts which aren't hoochie at all but don't meet the length requirement. xD
(Photos from

2. Flowy skirt which I plan on wearing to my preschoolers graduation ceremony.  This was on sale for $59.99.  I was hoping to find a modest dress but I just fell in love with this.  I'm going to pop over to H&M tomorrow to get a nice black top to go with this.  (Yes, I do need to buy one because I actually own only one black item which is a tank top not appropriate for my students' parents to see me in!)
(Photo from

3. So I went into Bakers just to look around and maybe find some nice practical shoes to go with my new skirt.  These shiny babies caught my eye however, so I tried them on.  I really like these sandals because the sole is actually padded and cushions my feet.  They are so COMFY!  Anyway, I'm going to try to see if I can make these go with my new outfit.  If they don't... I... MIGHT... maybe.... return them.... maybe...they were $39.99...... sigh... maybe...
(Photo from

These were my big purchases today.   Just for fun I bought myself a little crossword book from a store called Marbles.  I like to keep my noggin' well oiled.  =)
Soooo freakin cute no?  It's like super little too!  

For my last note, I'm going to show you a pair of shoes I bought a few weeks ago to replace my old flats.
Photo from

I will repeat and reaffirm... no more shopping this season!


  1. I love your purchases, especially the skirt and except the flats. I was never partial to it. And there's nothing like buying a few things that are well-made and good quality compared to having a lot of junky things! Good haul!

  2. I will take any clothes that you are no longer interested in! ;)
